Elise transformation Coach

How long have you been doing what you do, and how did you become an Intuitive Transformation Coach , Soul Activator & Spirit Baby Medium?

To answer this question, it’s probably best that I share with you a defining moment, and a resulting “epiphany story”, that brought me to where I am today –empowering Women & Mumma’s like you on exactly what to do to activate your feminine Superpowers, connect with your babies in spirit and birth through the Superconscious to co-create the life of your dreams.

That defining moment in my life happened in Oct 2015.

I was working in the Luxury Real Estate industry.
Working long hours, driven by a desire to feel valued & successful while masking massive fear of failure and terrified of disappointing or letting down those I was accountable to.
Home life I felt I was drowning in a toxic & emotionally abusive relationship.
I had my head in the clouds that somehow this person would change and with my love, acceptance, understanding and commitment to figure out the communication barriers he would love, respect and HEAR me.

At the same time, I fell head over heels in lust with another man who was drifting in and out of my life and at that time, I deeply believed he was The One’ my ‘Twin Flame’. I was totally obsessed with the idea and desperately wanted it to be true.

Feeling complete overwhelm, lonely, utterly miserable & helpless on how I was going to ‘FIX’ it all and wondering if I would ever live a joyful and happy life?
I had no one. 

I didn’t know who to talk to and I really didn’t know how to ASK FOR and RECEIVE the help I desperately needed.

Due to rapidly declining health, major burnout and a long dark night of the soul which led me to consider ending my life, I decided it was time for drastic change so, I quit my job and jumped on a plane to Kerala, India ‘God’s country’ with a powerful intention that it was time to take deep responsibility for the life I had created and above all to learn how to LOVE and HEAL myself! 

 Along my healing journey I uncovered all of the fear, old beliefs and outdated programs that had kept me:

  • operating in survival mode & self-sabotage
  • isolated & feeling abandoned -attracting everything I didn’t want in life
  • fearing failure
  • blocking creative expression
  • working harder not smarter
  • earning less than I believed I deserved
  • not asking for what I really wanted
  • feeling unfulfilled in the work I was doing
  • $500k+ in debt 
  • leaking my energy all over the place


  • in a repetitious cycle of unloving relationships that were going no where!

A month later I returned to Australia, still unfit to work I was finally diagnosed with Chronic/ Adrenal Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression & Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome just to name a few.  

I continued to walk and explore the path of holistic healing therapies. Following a plant medicine ceremony, I was invited into a psychic development circle. Having grown up in a Christian family with my father being a Pastor, there were many aspects of me that really rejected opening & exploring my innate gifts of intuition and healing. I was afraid that I would ‘hurt’ others, be judged & rejected, outcast and not surprisingly, persecuted

Around this same time, I started having dreams of a stubborn and very head strong little girl. I remember brushing it aside as my ‘inner child’ and really didn’t think much of it. Months later I synchronistically met my soul mate and the love of my life at an acro yoga workshop, in a church on Valentine’s Day! And, only 6 months later, I fell pregnant with our daughter who of course I realized, had been subtly communicating with me all along! 

It was during pregnancy that things really began to fall into place as my psychic senses became intensely heightened. I was intuitively guided to connect with an internationally renowned Doula based in New York & someone I love to refer to as a Birth Shaman & incredibly Wise Elder. Through her guidance and teachings based on ancient Kabbalist traditions, I learnt how to connect deeply with my body & baby. I felt so incredibly loved, nurtured, supported, empowered and such a deep reverence for the process of creation and what it truly means to be a woman. 

When the time came to give birth, things didn’t at all go quite as I envisioned for months that they would. 55 hours into labour, I was exhausted and still only 4cms dilated. I remember the nurses explaining the rule of 1cm an hr and I was absolutely hysterical, baby wasn’t moving and I was cooked! She had turned from the perfect birthing position to the not so optimal- posterior (spine resting against mine). As the reality that I may not have the birth I desired loomed, I reluctantly agreed to intervention and requested to be induced only to find out, there was no availability for 2 days! 

Something supernatural took over and I tell you, there was absolutely no way in hell I was waiting 2 days to have my baby out of me! Pulling all the rabbits out of the hat I kicked my fears in the face, shattered old beliefs (including western medicines belief of 1cm/hr- I dilated 5cm in an hr!) and gave birth to my baby girl in the birthing tub vaginally just as I hoped for, without intervention. – I want to note here that I don’t believe there is any ‘right’ way to give birth, just your hearts desires way and this was mine.

Elise and daughter

The connection I have with my daughter continues to expand me in so many beautiful & magical ways. We communicate often telepathically and her confidence, security in the world and the magnetism she oozes is never unnoticed by strangers passing by.

Fast forward to 1 year later May 2019. A little boy (my son Maverik) starts to communicate with me. Over the following months, he tells me his name, where he would like to be conceived and the time period. 

True to the conversation through the ether, I fell pregnant while on holidays in Rarotonga of the Cook Islands almost to the exact day his sister was conceived a yr earlier! The pregnancy progressed much like my first until one day, following a painful fall, I noticed that my womb felt very quiet. I couldn’t hear him and the silence went on for quite a few days. 

I woke up on Saturday morning in Oct 2019 with a vision of a fetus with energy spirals of heavy energy being pulled into a vortex through a vacant body and knew something wasn’t right. The emergency visit confirmed, there was NO BABY. The physical & emotional pain the following weeks felt worse than childbirth, I was surprised as no one really seems to talk about it and I really struggled in the following few weeks. Art, CBD oil and alternative healers really helped me reconnect to myself during this time and it wasn’t long before my grief cleared enough for me to receive his loving presence and messages again….

More on Maverik’s Spirit Baby story here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/UaHVR2OzhJb

I truly believe that my confidence in connecting with the spirit realm and the knowing that our soul lives on allowed me to move quickly through the grieving process in a matter of months, find peace & a greater understanding of the higher purpose our sacred contracts bring and above all, to release my expectations, surrender control and allow my soul to be in the driver’s seat. 

 As I began to step fully into the truth of Who I AM and Why I AM here on the planet at this time, the flame of my heart’s desire ignited and propelled me into supporting other conscious women and new mothers navigate their awakening, connect with their spirit babies and co-create the birth of their dreams. 

We are on the leading edge of a new paradigm where we as women fully reclaim and embody our divine feminine power and remember our ancient knowledge of birth magic.  

And guess what, you are here because YOU ARE one of the New Earth Mumma’s and it’s your destiny to lead the way in creating life free from suffering and struggle. Those times are OVER!! 

When you birth your baby, you are not only birthing a new you but a WHOLE NEW REALITY!

What I know without out a shadow of a doubt is that YOU have not found your way to this page by accident

I KNOW that you have a Spirit Baby who is planning to meet you and your baby guided you here to help you on your journey of awakening and Motherhood.

I am so excited to serve you and share my life lessons, tools and principles to help break through your inner blocks, let down your walls and barriers, access and live from your deepest truth, awaken your soul’s mastery, kick the negative stories, projections and limiting beliefs that keep you from remembering who you are in the FACE and truly co-create the birth and new life of your dreams overflowing with LOVE, MEANING & MAGIC.

In love & service,

Elise xo

I consider my approach to be practical, esoteric, grounded & simplistic so you can easily apply your learnings into daily life.

I am inspired to bring you to the understanding & truth of who you are; powerful, cherished, magnificent & interconnected with all of life 

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